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How to build a content model for successful podcasting: The Media Roundup

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How to build a content model for successful podcasting

The Reuters Institute has published a new paper by Journalist Fellow Kirsi-Marja Takala, who works for Bauer in Finland. It’s a truism across publishing, but Takala says the quality of the content you produce will play a central role in determining whether you succeed in standing out in a crowded marketplace. 

She says that the most common mistake in podcast launches is that the listener is not taken into account. The podcaster’s goal is often clear; the listener’s reason for listening is not.

To help podcasters plan for quality and make sure the listener gets something from listening, Takala has come up with an interesting model – Goal, Attraction, Format, Technology, Listeners – to help publishers craft a content strategy for their podcasts. I’m digging in.

NFTs are not a ‘flash in the pan’ but a ‘prime opportunity’

That’s the conclusion of a recent white paper produced by digital subscriptions platform Evolok. They’ve told Press Gazette that publishers moving into the digital space can use NFTs to strengthen their business and make digital pay. Maybe long term, but with daily NFT sales down more than 90% since September last year, we think most publishers maybe have more urgent priorities.

Is Elon Musk a bot?

I love this story from the Twitter-Musk frontline. According to Twitter an Indiana University application called The Botometer that Elon Musk used to count spam accounts on Twitter would also consider his account a bot. If that were true it would just explain so, so much.

Housty, is it worth me starting a newsletter?

In my role as agony uncle at the International Magazine Centre, I’ve been trying to explain why investing time and resources in your newsletters is a good idea even when there are so many out there. TL;DR, the world doesn’t need any more shit to read, but it can always use another high quality newsletter.

This content originally appeared in The Media Roundup, a daily newsletter from Media Voices. Subscribe here: