The evolution of yellow journalism (and why it matters)

Let’s talk about human nature for a moment. In November 1849, a well known English writer and social critic wrote a letter to the British daily newspaper The Times after he was left deeply shook by an unfortunate event that happened in front of a local prison...

Why building online communities could be the solution journalism needs

Membership is the heart of any digital economy. Or to be more precise, it is a pacemaker: a potential lifesaver for an industry looking a bit under the weather. The journalism industry isn’t looking that perky right now. Its symptoms are many. According to Pew Research...

Will Facebook save local journalism?

The first round of recipients of grants to fund community journalism, paid for by Facebook, was announced on 17 July with a second round of grants also announced in the US. While many are happy as grants of up to US$25,000 remain up for grabs,...

Facebook’s Libra reignites publisher interest in the promises of blockchain

Thanks to Facebook, Libra has brought the attention of the media industry back to the blockchain after the unfulfilled hype cycles of 2017 and 2018.  The promises of blockchain have been vast and large: micropayments, irrefutable audit logs, instant settlement, and smart contracts will change everything about...

WAN-IFRA: How publishers can build resilient business models in developing nations

WAN-IFRA has released a new report, Unlocking Journalism Resilience: Adapting a Digital Business Model to Promote Press Freedom. It examines how news publishers in politically and financially challenging environments are trying to build resilient business models. Countries covered in the report include Kenya, South Africa,...

Innovations in service journalism, to increase accountability

People in power should be held accountable through service journalism. To achieve this two innovations in journalism were highlighted at this year’s Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin: filling information gaps to supply communities with vital information to live their lives and collaboration between newsrooms to...

New York Times helps consumers decide where to draw the line on privacy

The waves of negative press about privacy intrusions and breaches are becoming a regular occurrence. Yet the outrage cycle seems to have a short lifespan and there’s confusion and a range of expectations when it comes to data collection and usage. That said, consumers need to remain...

Twitter to undergo “a huge fundamental shift”: Publishers take note

“Twitter, right now, when you go to it, you don't necessarily walk away feeling like you learned something.” “We've seen abuse, we've seen harassment, we've seen manipulation, automation, human coordination, misinformation.” “It's incented a lot of outrage, it's incented a lot of mob behavior, it's...

How publishers can save the comments section from trolls, toxicity and threats

Comments sections offers publishers opportunities to engage with and deepen relationships with readers. Unfortunately, they can also easily turn into repositories of negativity and spam. This has forced many publishers like Popular Science, NPR, Vice and Reuters to shut down their comments section. That’s one...

The Must-Read Publishing Stories You May Have Missed March 8th 2019

Medium's 'pivot from advertising' two years on, why publishers are focusing on more evergreen content, and more... The ‘new Medium’ turns two. It’s been just over two years since Twitter co-founder and Medium CEO Ev Williams cut Medium’s staff by a third, and wrote a...

With 100 newsrooms on board, Civil launches blockchain-based publishing platform

Civil—a community-owned journalism network based on transparency and trust—aims to make journalism sustainable through an alternative business model based on blockchain and cryptocurrency. Yesterday the company launched its cryptocurrency token CVL, opening up its platform for publishers, journalists, and readers across the world. Civil is...

TIME begins production on epic immersive, virtual reality experience

Continuing FIPP's series looking behind the scenes of ground-breaking multimedia storytelling, we focus on a new project for Time magazine and studio partners Ryot and V.A.L.I.S., which is still in the early stages of production.  The new immersive, virtual reality project, The March, offers audiences...

3 ways blockchain technology can benefit news publishers

Blockchain has been hailed as a solution to a variety of problems across different industries. Blockchain’s advocates hold that it is a revolutionary technology. But how much of this holds water and how much is just hype? A recent WAN-IFRA report, Blockchain and the Future...

Podcast: What does 2019 hold for media?

In the latest episode, Chris and Esther are joined by Damian Radcliffe, Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism at the University of Oregon, to discuss what lessons from 2018 they want to see applied in the new year. The discussion takes in print, digital, memberships,...

50 ideas for making media pay: a definitive guide

(Part One, ideas 1-12: Paywalls and Subscriptions) Publishers, both large and small, are constantly innovating in their efforts to ensure financial viability. Whether you’re a non-profit weekly newspaper in a small town, or a large-for profit Fortune 500 company, you cannot rest on your revenue...